Monday, October 21, 2013

"...She Just Seems To Brighten My Day..."

   When I was in a "regular" ward and I would get a new calling I always wondered. "why me, why now, and what am I suppose to learn from having this calling?"  "What is it that I am suppose to do or just what is my purpose?"  Those same questions and thoughts have been on my mind a lot the last few weeks since we have arrived in Tennessee.  I think I might have at least part of my answer.  
   A week or so ago I received a text from a lady at church.  Yes I text a little.  She was home that day from church and when her family returned home, she asked her daughter how church was.  Mattie, age 9 told her mom, "it is the weirdest thing, every time I see Sister Higgins she just seems to brighten my day."  What a sweet thing to say.
   I have thought of that simple little statement often since I was told what Mattie had to say.  I think that maybe that might be in part our purpose for being here.  We are here to brighten the day for others. We can brighten days by doing service for others, by visiting those in nursing homes and reading to them, by visiting those who are feeling along or forgotten, and of course by sharing a gospel message with everyone we meet during the day.  Sadly it is also a fact that some people have their day brightened just by having us get off their property but even with that we have brightened their day. 
   The Gospel is love in action and the one thing we have learned here is that no matter who you are, you can ALWAYS use a hug, a smile or a friendly word.   Some of the people we meet during the day may not even admit they need anything and then just a listening ear works.  We have learned that people are more than willing to tell you all about their personal health issues and I do mean personal.  We just listen and ask what we can do for them.  The answer is always the same, "just keep me in your prayers" which we do and "thanks for listening". 
   I never knew how easy it was to, brighten someone's day and what an impact that has on others.  It took a 9 year old little girl to point it out and I am most grateful for her.  Please go out now and brighten someone's day and find out how good it makes you feel.  And as we say here in the south, "have a blessed day."

1 comment:

  1. Reminded me of a song dad often sang... Have I done any good in the world today...

    I'm sure you brightened the day of those young parents outside Krogers. If we look, there is something we can do for others every day (often we don't have to look very hard).
